
The institution has an obligation to make available a system of academic advisement that meets the needs of the students. Every student, therefore, will be provided with an academic advisor /Program Chairperson who is knowledgeable of the academic programs, the institution’s regulations and the overall structure of the academic advisement process and nature of its operation.

The student has an obligation to work cooperatively with the various components of the academic advisement system. The student’s primary responsibility will be to work closely with his assigned academic advisor/Program Chairperson, striving to be diligent in carrying out instructions.

Students are encouraged to make periodic appointments with the Department Chairperson for the purpose of academic counseling. Students should request an Academic Planner that details the courses, which must be completed before graduation.

Each student has the responsibility to ensure that he is properly progressing toward satisfying all requirements. Each student should carefully plan his class schedule for each term to the final year.

Each student and his/her advisor should review the Academic Planner on a term-to-term basis to ensure proper and timely progress toward the degree.

Students who do not finish their degree requirements before the end of the spring term of their final year, but who can finish during the following summer, may (at the discretion of the administration) participate in the commencement exercises along with their graduating class. No more than two courses may be completed in the immediate following summer.